Friday, September 21, 2007


Seorang teman karib menghampiri meja kerja anda, dan memungut sebatang pensil yang patah. Pintanya, "Boleh aku pinjam ini?" Anda yang sibuk hanya menengok sekelebat dan berkata, "Ambil saja." Setelah itu anda lupa akan kejadian itu selamanya. Padahal bagi teman anda, pensil patah itu amat berharga demi pengerjaan tugasnya.

Tahukah anda bagaimana "rasa" sebuah ketulusan? Setiap dari kita pasti pernah memberikan sesuatu dengan setulus murni. Namun, tidak banyak yang mampu memahaminya. Karena ketulusan bukanlah rasa, apalagi untuk dirasa-rasakan. Ketulusan adalah rasa yang tak terasa, sebagaimana anda menyilakan teman dekat anda mengambil pensil patch anda.
Tiada setitik pun keberatan. Tiada setitik pun permintaan terima kasih. Tiada setitik pun rasaberjasa.

Semuanya lenyap dalam ketulusan. Sayangnya tidak mudah bagi kita untuk memandang dunia ini seperti pensil patah itu. Sehingga selalu ada rasa keberatan atau berjasa saat kita saling berbagi. Sayangnya tidak mudah juga untuk bersibuk-sibuk pada keadaan diri sendiri, sehingga pensil patah pun tampak bagai pena emas. Jangan ingat-ingat perbuatan baik anda. Kebaikan yang anda letakkan dalam ingatan bagaikan debu yang tertiup angin.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Grave

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhuu

This is a wonderful poem. I hope it sheds some light in everyone's life.
Ask yourself these questions, If I were to die will Allah (swt) be pleased with me? What I have done in my life till now?
Have I just been chasing after the du nya & not Allah's happiness? Have I made the world a better place with my presence? Have I done anything for Islam today and most Importantly did I pray????????? Dear brothers and sisters, think of a list of the most important things to you .. What number is Allah (swt) on that list? try to make amends, beg for Allah's forgiveness .

Just Close Your Eyes And Imagine
Just close your eyes and imagine, You have just one more day to live;One more day to show Allah,What "Jannah" he should give?To say goodbye to your family,And all your closest friends; To ask for forgiveness, And try to make amends;

Just close your eyes and imagine,Did you miss a prayer or two?Did you please Allah, and do the things,He asks every person to do?

Just close your eyes and imagine,Tomorrow you will be gone; No more second chances,To smell the mist of dawn;

Just close your eyes and imagine,The angels are going to come,To take your soul and ask,In your life "what have you done"?

Just close your eyes and imagine,The words you want to say; Will not come out you may realize,For all your deeds you'll pay;You want to speak out, to cry out,In Allah I believe;But, silence beckons you, No more can u deceive;

Just close your eyes and imagine, Finally, Your silence breaks away;You tell the angels you believe in Allah, And for him, you did pray;You say as tears are pouring down your face Please, Allah, forgive me,For the sins that I committed,Have mercy is my plea!

Just close your eyes and imagine, That the smell of musk surrounds you, From your head down to your feet;You realize Allah forgave you,Hell fire you did defeat;
But we all know as Muslims,When it's time for you to die;You'll not be given a second chance,To say a last goodbye;

So live each day as If it's your last,And never forget to pray;So when the angels come to ask, You'll know the words to say.

Remember Brother & Sisters...we are all here in this world for just awhile...make the most of everyday & do what's required if not more

Come to think of it, how long is a person's life in this world?
How far is death? When a person is born, Azaan is said in his ears. He then lives a life of, say 70 years. Then when he dies, shortly afterwards is the Namaaz-e Janaaza prayed. So how long is his life? 70 years? Wrong! His whole life is like the brief period of time between Azaan and Jamaat.


Yaa Allah

Ya Allah ... Today, upon a bus, I saw a girl with golden hair. and wished I was as fair. When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle. She had one leg and wore a crutch.
But as she passed, a smile. Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine. I have 2 legs, the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy. The lad who sold it had such charm. I talked with him, he seemed so glad. If I were late, it'd do no harm. And as I left, he said to me, "I thank you, you've been so kind. It's nice to talk with folks like you. You see," he said, "I'm blind." Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine. I have 2 eyes, the world is mine.

Later while walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of brown. He stood and watched the others play. He did not know what to do. I stopped a moment and then I said, "Why don't you join the others, dear?" He looked ahead without a word. And then I knew, he couldn't hear. Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine. I have 2 ears, the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I'd go. With eyes to see the sunset's glow. With ears to hear what I'd know. Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine. I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine.

Islam is a way of life, try it.
Islam is a gift, accept it.
Islam is a journey, complete it.
Islam is a struggle, fight for it.
Islam is a goal, achieve it.
Islam is an opportunity, take it.
Islam is not for sinners, overcome it.
Islam is not a game, don't play with it.
Islam is not a mystery, behold it.
Islam is not for cowards, face it.
Islam is not for the dead, live it.
Islam is a promise, fulfill it.
Islam is a duty, perform it.
Islam is a treasure (the Prayer), pray it.
Islam is a beautiful way of life, see it.
Islam has a message for you, hear it.
Islam is love , love it.

Remember My Brothers And Sisters That We Have So Much To Be Thankful For


Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Meaning of Familly

Do you know what is family? Do you really understand what is behind the word family?
It gives me a shock when I know the answer.
So long I never realize I don't know the real
Meaning of family..........
Here Is The Answer .......... FAMILY =


WHY does a man want to have a WIFE? Because:

WHY does a woman want to have a HUSBAND?

Do you know that a simple "HELLO" can be a sweet one?
Especially from your love one. (I mean not only from the boyfriend/girlfriend).
The word HELLO means :
(H)ow are you?
(E)verything all right?
(L)ike to hear from you
(L)ove to see you soon!
(O)bviously, I miss you ..


When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be Boss.
The brain said, "I should be Boss because I control the whole body's responses and functions."
The feet said, " We should be Boss as we carry the brain about and get him to where he wants to go."

The hands said, "We should be the Boss because we do all the work and earn all the money. "
And so it went on and on with the heart, the lungs and the eyes until finally the asshole spoke up. All the parts laughed at the idea of the asshole being the Boss.

So the asshole went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work. Within a short time the eyes became crossed, the hands clenched, the feet twitched, the heart and lungs began to panic and the brain fevered.

Eventually they all decided that the asshole shouldbe the Boss, so the motion was passed. All the other parts did all the work while the Boss just sat and passed out the shit!


Alkisah pada suatu hari, diadakan sebuah pesta emas peringatan 50 tahun pernikahan sepasang kakek -nenek. Pesta ini pun dihadiri oleh keluarga besar kakek dan nenek tersebut beserta kerabat dekat dan kenalan.

Pasangan kakek-nenek ini dikenal sangat rukun, tidak pernah terdengar oleh siapapun bahkan pihak keluarga mengenai berita mereka perang mulut.

Singkat kata mereka telah mengarungi bahtera pernikahan yang cukup lamabagi kebanyakan orang.
Mereka telah dikaruniai anak-anak yang sudah dewasa dan mandiri baik secara ekonomi maupun pribadi. Pasangan tersebut merupakan gambaran sebuah keluarga yang sangat ideal.
Disela-sela acara makan malam yang telah tersedia, pasangan yang merayakan peringatan ulang tahun pernikahan mereka ini pun terlihat masih sangat romantis.

Di meja makan, telah tersedia hidangan ikan yang sangatmenggiurkan yang merupakan kegemaran pasangan tersebut. Sang kakek pun, pertama kali melayani sang nenek dengan mengambil kepala ikan dan memberikannya kepada sang nenek, kemudian mengambil sisa ikan tersebut untuknya sendiri.

Sang nenek melihat hal ini, perasaannya terharu bercampur kecewa dan heran. Akhirnya sang nenek berkata kepada sang kakek:"Suamiku, kita telah melewati 50 tahun bahtera pernikahan kita. Ketika engkau memutuskan untuk melamarku, aku memutuskan untuk hidup bersamamu dan menerima dengan segala kekurangan yang ada untuk hidup sengsara denganmu walaupun aku tahu waktu itu kondisi keuangan engkau pas-pasan.

Aku menerima hal tersebut karena aku sangat mencintaimu. Sejak awal pernikahan kita, ketika kita mendapatkan keberuntungan untuk dapat menyantap hidangan ikan, engkau selalu hanya memberiku kepala ikan yang sebetulnya sangat tidak akusuka, namun aku tetap menerimanya dengan mengabaikan ketidaksukaanku tersebut karena aku ingin membahagiakanmu.

Aku tidak pernah lagi menikmati daging ikan yang sangat aku suka selama masa pernikahan kita. Sekarangpun, setelah kita berkecukupan, engkau tetap memberiku hidangan kepala ikan ini. Aku sangat kecewa, suamiku.
Aku tidak tahan lagi untuk mengungkapkan halini." Sang kakek pun terkejut dan bersedihlah hatinya mendengarkan penuturan sang nenek.
Akhirnya, sang kakek pun menjawab:"Istriku, ketika engkau memutuskan untuk menikah denganku, aku sangat bahagia dan aku pun bertekad untuk selalu membahagiakanmu dengan memberikan yang terbaik untukmu. Sejujurnya, hidangan kepala ikan ini adalah hidangan yang sangat aku suka. Namun, aku selalu menyisihkan hidangan kepala ikan ini untukmu, karena aku ingin memberikan yang terbaik bagimu. Semenjak menikah denganmu, tidak pernah lagi aku menikmati hidangan kepala ikan yang sangat aku suka itu. Aku hanya bisa menikmati daging ikan yang tidak aku suka karena banyak tulangnya itu. Aku minta maaf, istriku."

Mendengar hal tersebut, sang nenek pun menangis. Merekapun akhirnyaberpelukan. Percakapan pasangan ini didengar oleh sebagian undangan yang hadir sehingga akhirnya merekapun ikut terharu.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Zero Mind Process

1. Hindari prasangka buruk, Usahakan prasangka baik kepada orang lain.
2. Berprinsip selalau kepada Alloh SWT.
3. Bebaskan diri dari pengalaman-pengalaman yang membelenggu PIKIRAN, dan BERPIKIR MERDEKA.
4. Dengan suara hati, peganglah prinsip "KARENA ALLOH". Berpikir sebelum menentukan kepentingan dari prioritas.
5. Lihatlah semua sudut pandang secara bijaksana dari ASMAUL HUSNA.
6. Periksa pikiran anda sebelum menilai segala sesuatu.
7. Ingat bahwa ilmu pengetahuan bersumber dari ALLOH.